
We help you create quality exams. Intelliphonics offers psychometric services for test publishing companies. We also provide books, videos and workshops for instructors who write and grade exams for their students.

For Test Publishers

Our services include algorithms for computer adaptive testing, item analysis, scale creation, norming, form equating, cut score analysis, technical documentation and much more. We specialize in Item Response Theory (Rasch) but also provide services using Classical Test Theory. We work with both dichotomous and polytomous data.

For Instructors

Find our books about assessment on Amazon.

The goal of A Practical Guide to Creating Quality Exams is to enable professors, instructors, and teaching assistants to create the best exams possible. The recommendations and guidelines in the book are based on empirical research and established professional standards.


Find instructional videos on our Intelliphonics YouTube channel.

For Services and Workshops

Contact us. We would love to hear more about your interests, goals, and projects. Please email us at sales at intelliphonics dot com.